Monday, July 6, 2009

Movies to See Before You Die

I read an article in Entertainment Weekly that talked about a blog post from Will Ferrell and Adam McKay about the 14 movies you must watch before you die. The list was good, eclectic - but not radically so. And since all it takes is for one (or in this case, two) opinionated blogger to start a list war, I thought I'd through in my 1/2 a cent.

2zen2's 14 movies you must see before you die:

1. Spirited Away
2. John Carpenter's The Thing
3. Cinema Paradiso
4. Star Wars, Episode IV - A New Hope
5. Star Trek II, Wrath of Khan
6. Serenity
7. Bull Durham
8. The Godfather
9. The Bicycle Thief
10. A Christmas Story
11. Red Sorgum
12. The Matrix
13. Finding Nemo
14. Auntie Mame

And the runner's up are: Cabaret, Across the Universe, How to Marry a Millionaire, Apocalypse Now, Nosferatu, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, Princess Mononoke, Casino, and History of the World, Part I.