Thursday, April 2, 2009

Twitstale, a short short story in 140 bites

Here's a twitstory that was but together, quite by accident, through Twitter. Well, on second thought, not really by accident, but without any pre-planning on the participants part. Thanks to @mrflippy, @chux0r, @akraut, @pjiutzi, and @dfjkl for inspiring the whole thing...

@mrflippy: nom, nom, nom
@2zen2: @mrflippy i see your nom nom nom and raise you an additional nom of cumin curry veggies and tofu.
@2zen2 I have an extra ginger honey biscuit here if you want
@mrflippy @2zen2 basil port egg rice here NOM NOM NOM
@2zen2 I seem to be missing the first part of all your convos before mr. Flippy as all seem interesting but are missing vital info.

*editor's note - here's where we go off roading for a bit...*

@dfjkl And then she said, "But where are we going to find a cattle prod at this hour?"
because @akraut would never forgive us if we let it wonder off into the lake...
and I said if it gets too rough in there, just take the chill water feed off the AC unit and hose everyone down
well a good hose down like that would definitely mark an end to the festivities.
And all he said was, "Remember the purple one."

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